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Our curriculum overview has been compiled to ensure that the national curriculum is covered across the different year groups at our academy. Wherever possible, cross-curricular links are made so that the requirements for all of the different curriculum areas are learnt about within the context of the class topics.

Therefore, the range of different reading and writing genres, mathematical problems, as well as music, computing and the many other areas are learnt through the topic. More information regarding all of the curriculum areas will be provided to parents each term as a new topic begins.

Our maths and English learning is based on the new national curriculum. More information about this national curriculum can be found on the Department for Education's website.

About Our Curriculum

The teachers at Blackthorns underpin the curriculum with a philosophy based on how children learn best. The curriculum is about the children themselves, their varied and personal questions, and developing their awareness and understanding of their world.

Teachers plan a broad, balanced, creative and engaging curriculum which covers the national curriculum. Each class covers a topic each term and all of the areas of the national Curriculum are covered. Through termly planners, the children and their families are involved in planning and directing the learning opportunities in school.

Embedded in our curriculum are wonderful opportunities to learn through the delivery of the different arts subjects (art, craft and design, music, dance, drama and still and moving photography). This has a positive impact on academic achievement and the self-esteem of the children, providing breadth to their learning and depth to their development as individuals and young citizens.

We recognise that children learn best through memorable, first hand experiences. The curriculum is made memorable by a range of visits and experiences, and made relevant by making links between subjects in engaging contexts.
