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3 female students smiling at the camera, wearing Blackthorns uniform

Uniform is compulsory at our academy. As such, we expect that all pupils will attend the academy in uniform and that all items of uniform will be marked with the owner’s name.

Specific Blackthorns uniform can be purchased from Broadbridges in Haywards Heath, or online

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Our academy uniform

  • Blue shirt, blouse or polo shirt (plain or with logo).

  • Brown academy jumper or cardigan (plain or with school blue trim).
  • Brown skirt/pinafore dress. Style must allow for maximum movement (styles which are ‘mini’ or ‘ankle length’ are not permitted).
  • Trousers: grey or brown tailored trousers. Jeans/corded jeans/leggings are not permitted.
  • Blue/white checked or striped dress for Summer wear. Style must allow for maximum movement.
  • Sensible shoes: black or brown. Trainers are not permitted. A change of suitable footwear is required for indoor use during wet weather.
  • Plain brown, grey, black or white socks or tights.
  • ‘Extreme’ haircuts are not permitted (‘extreme’ being any haircut that is considered to be a distraction to others).
  • Jewellery is not permitted in the academy. If your child has an ear piercing then it is expected this will be a ‘stud’ only, which should be covered by surgical tape prior to PE or equivalent activity.
  • Makeup of any description is not permitted in the academy.


All children are required to have a change of clothes for P.E:

  • Shorts: plain navy blue shorts/Blackthorns sports shorts or skort
  • T-shirt: Blackthorns sports t-shirt or plan navy t-shirt.

Additional notes

  • Plimsolls/trainers for PE use only. Plimsolls may be worn as indoor footwear in wet weather should parents so choose. Trainers may not be worn.
  • When playing outdoors in cold weather it is essential that warm clothing is worn in addition to shorts and T shirt, i.e. a plain navy / dark coloured tracksuit.
  • If football is being played, a pair of studded boots is also desirable.
  • All items of PE clothing should be clearly named and brought to the academy on the correct days.
  • Academy fleeces and hooded tops can be purchased from Broadbridges for outdoor use or for PE in the colder months. These items are optional and must not be worn instead of an academy jumper or cardigan.
  • Quality second hand uniform is available through our parent body, Friends of Blackthorns. Email for further details.
  • Academy specific uniform can be purchased at Broadbridges Uniforms and non-branded alternatives can be found at major UK supermarkets.