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Key Dates and Times

A member of staff pointing at something in a book, sat between 2 engaged students

All children and parents enter the Academy via the gate on Blackthorns Close which leads on to the key stage 1 playground. 

The academy open at 08:45 and close at 08:55am. Should you arrive after this time please take your child to the school office.  Arrival after the academy gates close will be recorded in the register as late. If a child is frequently late, parents and carers will be invited to a meeting with a member of the senior leadership team to discuss ways to support. All parents and carers arriving late with their children after the gates close will need to enter through the Academy office where the time and reason for being late will be recorded by a member of the admin support team.  

The academy closes at 3.15pm. Children in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 are dismissed by teachers to their parents or whoever is collecting them onto the key stage 1 playground.  

Key stage 2 children are dismissed from their classrooms and they meet their parents on the key stage 2 playground. We supervise the collection of the children on the Key Stage 2 playground and share our safety procedures with the children. They know to remain with a member of staff on the playground if there is nobody to collect them on the playground. 

*Pupils in year 6 are able to walk home alone if parental consent is provided. This responsibility is extended to year 5 pupils once we reach the Summer term. 

Year Gates Open Registers - am Register - pm Pick Up Where
Reception 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks1 Playground
Year 1 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks1 Playground
Year 2 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks1 Playground
Year 3 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks2 Playground
Year 4 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks2 Playground
Year 5 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks2 Playground*
Year 6 8.45am 8.55-9.15am 1.15-1.25pm 3.15pm ks2 Playground*

If you arrive after 08:55am, please take your child to the school office

*Pupils in year 6 are able to walk home alone is parental consent is provided. This is extended to year 5 once we reach Summer term

Term Dates


Key Stage Hours (per week)
All 32 hours 30 minutes