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A young male student in Blackthorns uniform, with his hands in the air. The left hand is holding a red object


Wraparound Childcare

We are delighted to currently be able to offer Pioneer Childcare Breakfast Club to Blackthorns children, from our Lindfield breakfast club, based at Lindfield Primary Academy school club. Our fun, friendly team are experienced at helping new families settle in quickly to ensure that coming to Pioneer Club becomes a normal and exciting part of the day. Our professional, friendly team comprises of qualified teachers, sports coaches, arts and games leaders. 

Pioneer Breakfast Club

You can drop your child anytime from 7.00am at our Lindfield Breakfast Club, based at Lindfield Primary Academy School. Children are able choose from a variety of activities and enjoy a healthy breakfast before the start of school. Our sessions are pre-planned and cater for both ks1 and ks2.

Pioneer Childcare

Pioneer Parent FAQ's

This childcare provision is operated and managed by Pioneer Childcare. All enquiries and bookings should be made directly with Pioneer. For more information on the service, or to make a booking, you will need to contact Pioneer Childcare directly.