Attendance and Absence
It is our aim that pupils should experience a vibrant inclusive community that transforms lives and broadens horizons through excellent teaching and learning. Our mission is to inspire children to flourish and achieve their best. The attendance policy reflects this and recognises that regular attendance has a positive effect on the motivation and attainment of pupils.
Attendance above 95% is regarded as “good” and equals 10 or less days of absence over the academic year.
Below 90% is ”worrying attendance”. This means that at least 19 school days have been missed. This can impact on pupil well-being as well as progress and attainment. Any absence affects the pattern of a child’s schooling and regular absence may seriously impact their learning. The Department for Education (DfE) defines a pupil as a ‘persistent absentee’ when they miss 10% or more schooling across the school year, for whatever reason.
The Academy will work with families to provide support measures to help improve attendance and put in place plans for this where appropriate.
To see our academy times, please see our key dates and times page.
Parents and carers must notify the school of the reason for any absence on each day of an unplanned absence by 9am, or as soon as practically possible, by calling the academy office team members. Parents and carers should telephone 01444 454866 and either leave a message or speak to someone in the academy office. Emails can be sent to the following address:
Messages should include the name and year group of the child who is absent and the reason for their absence from school. We will mark absence due to illness as authorised unless the academy has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness.
Medical Appointments
Where possible, medical or dentist's appointments should be made outside of the academy day. Please notify the academy office in advance of any scheduled medical absence.
Withdrawal From Learning
We need your support in ensuring that planned leave is not taken in school time so that your child has the very best opportunity to succeed. Guidance was issued by the Department for Education (DfE) that applies to all requested absences in term-time. The DfE only allows a principal the discretion to authorise an absence if they believe that there are exceptional or unavoidable circumstances.
Taking a pupil on leave during term time interrupts teaching and learning and can disrupt educational progress. Before completing the withdrawal from learning form parent/carers are asked to consider the effect on their child’s continuity of education.
If you require a hard-copy of the 'withdrawal from learning' form, please contact our reception team at: We will then print this for you and send home with your child.