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Parent Teacher Association

Friends of Blackthorns (FoBs) is the parent teacher association for Blackthorns Community Primary Academy.

FoBs is a charity registered with the Charity Commission (no. 296156). Being a charity allows FoBs to apply for ‘Gift Aid’ (earning an extra 25p from every pound donated out of earned income), benefit from ‘charity matched’ giving schemes (more information below), receive prize donations from local companies and be eligible for certain grants available to charities.

Over the years FoBs have raised tens of thousands of pounds through events supported by families at the school. These funds have been spent on projects, items and experiences which help to support and enhance educational aspects at the school and also build upon the school’s community spirit.

All our parents and carers are automatically members of FoBs on joining the school and can get involved in a number of ways from joining the committee to ad hoc help at fundraising events. Getting involved in FoBs is fun and a great way of getting to know other families at the school – just ask any of the committee members or helpers!

FOB's Objectives

Our key objective is to help advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by:

  • Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school

  • Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils

How Can I Help?

Most of our fundraising is achieved through events such as the Christmas Fair, Summer Festival, Fundraising Fortnight and social events for parents, carers and their friends.

If you would like to get involved in certain events or have ideas for future events please let us know via We are always grateful for feedback on events and also ideas to help us improve our fundraising efforts.